Ruto Zone

Hi! I'm Sir Ruto and this is my little corner of the internet. I don't really have much of a theme beyond the fact that I like games and maybe wanna write about 'em. I might write about other things too! It's my website, I can do whatever I want.😃

MARCH 7th, 2024
A new tournament is happening! This time we put items from Zelda in the arena to see which ones are the best.

FEBRUARY 6th, 2024
Steam Next Fest has come around again and I'm doing more mini-reviews!

OCTOBER 18th, 2023
Updated the tournament page, belatedly, given it finished nearly a month ago =P Still, got that squared away. Might go back and put some more fun stats in there if I can find the time.

AUGUST 26th, 2023
Tweaked CSS, changed the main font of the site. It's the printed typeface from Pentiment, Obsidian's game about a 16th-century scribe who gets caught up in a murder investigation. I think it's neat! If you wanna mess with the font, get it here under 'Download Fankit' a ways down the page.

AUGUST 8th, 2023
Updated fun stats on tourney page.

JULY 27th, 2023
Added more fun stats to the Mario Kart tournament page.

JULY 18th, 2023, later
I updated and reworked the structure of the site, should be much easier to find any page from any other page now.

JULY 18th, 2023
Added a section for some fun details about the MK tournament, probably add to it later.

JULY 14th, 2023
My friends and I have been running a 'tournament' deciding which is the best Mario Kart track across the entire series, so I decided to give it a page on my website. Why not?

JULY 13th, 2023
Wrote up a 'mini-review' of Tinykin, available on the Good Games page. Also reverted that page's CSS since I haven't been working on it.

JUNE 21st, 2023
Decided to write up some mini-reviews for the demos I've been playing during Steam Next Fest